Module/Week 8 — Encountering the One Who Calls Us to Follow

    Module/Week 8 — Encountering the One Who Calls Us to Follow


    • Summarize the significance of Jesus’ 3 resurrection appearances to His disciples.
    • Explain how John 21 supports the notion of Johannine authorship of the Gospel.
    • Identify unique characteristics of John’s Gospel in relation to the Synoptic Gospels.
    • Demonstrate how John’s theology is firmly rooted in the Old Testament.
    • What are the circumstances surrounding Jesus’s three resurrection appearances to his disciples?
    • What is the primary purpose for Jesus’s commissioning of Peter?
    • How does the final chapter of John’s gospel support the notion that the apostle John wrote it?
    • Trace the story line of each of the three Synoptic Gospels and relate these to that of John’s gospel.
    • Comment on each of the fourteen explicit Old Testament quotations in John’s gospel, considering also the book’s most significant Old Testament allusions.
    • Discuss the points of contact between John’s gospel and the other Johannine writings as well as similarities and differences between John and Paul, Hebrews, or Peter.

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