
    Hypertension Case Study

    PNSG 1512

    Read the scenario below and answer the questions associated with it. You must use at least two relevant, current (no more 5 years old) resources, including a professional journal article and at least one of your textbooks/reference books (please note, I do read all references, so be sure you are including an actual article and not just something with a good title, such as an abstract). Please provide complete and thoughtful answers using your own words; do not copy and paste information from your references. The rubric is located below the case study and questions; this assignment is worth 10 points.

    Mrs. Johnson is a 72-year old African American woman with primary hypertension diagnosed 22 years ago after she went through menopause. According to her family history, her father had high blood pressure and her grandfather died of a stroke at the age of 63. She worked at an insurance office for about 40 years until she retired 5 years ago. She states she feels “pretty overwhelmed” since her husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease 6 months ago. She has little time or energy to cook her own meals, so she relies on fast food, restaurant take-out, or pre-packaged meals from the grocery store for most meals. She currently takes hydrochlorothiazide 50 mg twice daily and amlodipine 10 mg daily. She tells you that she has missed doses lately because she has been so busy with her husband. In addition to the prescribed medications, Mrs. Johnson also takes a multivitamin, vitamin D, low dose aspirin, and pseudoephedrine for chronic nasal congestion daily.

    1. What are Mr. Johnson’s risk factors for hypertension (list at least 3)?

    2. What type of medication is hydrochlorothiazide (be specific)? How does this medication work?

    3. What type of medication is amlodipine? How does this medication work?

    4. We need to teach Mrs. Johnson about her prescribed antihypertensive drugs. What should we teach her? (be specific)

    5. Could any of Mrs. Johnson’s over-the-counter medications adversely interact with her prescribed medications? If so, which one(s)? (explain)

    6. What strategies could you suggest to Mrs. Johnson to help control her hypertension?


    0 points

    1 point

    2 points

    Describe Mrs. Johnson’s risk factors

    Does not correctly describe risk factors

    Correctly describes 1-2 risk factors

    Correctly describes three or more risk factors

    Describe what hydrochlorothiazide is and how it works

    Does not describe what hydrochlorothiazide is and how it works

    Briefly describes what hydrochlorothiazide is or how it works and/or did not describe in their own words (obvious copy & paste)

    Correctly describes what hydrochlorothiazide is and how it works and described in their own words

    Describe what amlodipine is and how it works

    Does not describe what amlodipine is and how it works

    Briefly describes what amlodipine is or how it works and/or did not describe in their own words (obvious copy & paste)

    Correctly describes what amlodipine is and how it works and described in their own words

    Describe what the nurse should teach Mrs. Johnson about her antihypertensive drugs

    Does not describe what the nurse should teach Mrs. Johnson about her antihypertensive drugs

    Briefly describes what the nurse should teach Mrs. Johnson about her antihypertensive drugs but did not describe in their own words (obvious copy & paste)

    Correctly describes, in detail, what the nurse should teach Mrs. Johnson about her antihypertensive drugs and described in their own words

    Identify whether any OTC drug Mrs. Johnson is taking could negatively interact with her prescribed meds

    Does not identify whether any OTC drug Mrs. Johnson is taking could negatively interact with her prescribed meds

    Correctly identifies whether any OTC drug could negatively interact with prescribed meds but does not identify the correct OTC med

    Correctly identifies whether any OTC drug could negatively interact with prescribed meds and identifies the correct OTC med

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