How Do I Set Realistic Career Goals?

    GOALS. We all have them, but this isn’t just about having goals and achieving them; this module is about long term goals and how to manage them. In the last module we discussed setting SMART goals and how that can help you right after graduation. Lets look further down the line of your career’s trajectory and ensure you are setting yourself up for long-term success.


    Learning Objectives


    After successful completion of this module, you will be able to:


    • Develop and maintain successful long term goals that match your desired career path and professional goals.
    • Understand your own professional development path needs to be assessed often after your short term immediate goals (first full-time position after graduating) are achieved in order to achieve long term goals.




    • Using SMART goals as a guide, present your 3-year plan post-graduation plan. ( my 3 goals are becoming a CPA (Certified Public Accounting), becoming a CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), and grow and expand my family’s business using the two mention certifications)
      • Limit your PowerPoint presentation to no more than 5 slides
      • Utilize video and/or audio to enhance your presentation
        • Uploads need to be PC friendly (No Mac files)
        • If using a personal account on a video streaming service, default must be set to public.
        • Be creative!


    Before creating the Power Point presentation, please review the following two links:

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