Employment Packet

    Title: Employment Packet

    Audience: A potential employer (Computer Scientist)

    Instructions: This consists of five parts:

    Step One: Need help finding a job ad for an available position within a professional discourse community (Computer Science as B.S.) one that will soon be qualified for as a new graduate. I need help in identifying the qualifications necessary to achieve that position. Which are qualifications that a person must have now? Which do still need to develop?

    Step Two: Accomplishment Statements. Include a list of five different accomplishments relevant to professional aspirations, illustrating each one with specific examples.

    Step Three: Career Goals Statement

    What are down long-term and short-term professional goals, and explain how they relate to this specific position.

    Prioritize goals (bullet format is sufficient).

    Fill in the Gaps: Need help Identifying 2 -3 steps will need to achieve both short and long term goals (i.e. skills will need to obtain, certifications, or experiences).

    Step Four: Professional resume/CV in response to the job ad. This should demonstrate direct knowledge of the conventions, expectations, and values of the discourse community.

    Step Five: A cover letter designed to get an interview.

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