Animal Law New Zealand

    Paper instructions:
    This gets the student-researcher started on articulating research topic and gathering sources, gives chance for early feedback re feasibility, refinement and direction. Should be a 6-10 page roadmap of what the student intends to research, methodology of research, the issues it raises and how the research paper will be organised.

    Thesis: Animal Welfare Act New Zealand, how can New Zealand better enforce animal welfare standards?

    Following are the subheadings/plan for the proposal

    -Thesis Statement
    -Current Animal law legislation
    -how NZ enforces animal welfare currently
    -What are the NZ animal welfare issues
    -compare it globally e.g. china – and a country with good animal welfare enforcement
    -International standards/treaties
    – how we can use examples from other countries and international standards/treaties for NZ
    – The resources I will use in my research
    – what i want to achieve in the research and how i will adapt if the research goes another direction

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