People, Processes, and Technology

    Writing Guidelines:

    For this writing assignment, I want you to focus on the education of the workforce.  The article required for this module will help you develop your thoughts on the role of security awareness and education on ensuring the enterprise defense program is robust.

    The Venn Diagram in the picture can help you decide how the “people” portion of the security illustration does cross over into the process and technology areas.  You may want to touch on these aspects as well in your paper.

    The main question I want you to write about in your assignment is “How can the role of education and cybersecurity awareness help meet the cybersecurity challenges being levied on organizations and enterprises today?”

    The paper should be between 2-4 pages in length. Double spaced and Times New Roman, 12-pt. 

    If you use any other articles or reference material besides the textbook and the article provided, ensure you use the APA style to cite your resources.

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