Narrative Illness

    Task description:


    • Students are to engage with a consumer who is experiencing illness or who has had previous contact with the health care system.
    • Students are to produce a narrative piece of writing structured under Borton’s Framework for Reflection’s What? So What? and Now What? headings.


    What?              Students are to provide a synopsis of the consumer interaction (What did they say? / What happened to the consumer? / What was their experience?).


    So What?        Students are to provide a detailed exploration of the narratives of the consumer health journey  with reference to the three narrative theories discussed in week 1. (What does it all mean? / What are the underlying themes? / What narrative theory is evident?).


    Now What?    Students are to provide an insightful reflection around how the interaction has contributed to their    professional development (How the experience will make you a better nurse?).


    Use the following structure as a guide for your assignment:


    1. Cover page or header with the unit number, unit title, assignment title and your student number (not includedin word count).
    2. Introduction: Approximately 150 words, including in-text citations.
    3. What?  Synopsis of the consumer’s story (Approximately 400 words, including in-text citations).
    4. So What?  Exploration of the consumer’s narratives and narrative theory (Approximately 400 words, including in-text citations).
    5. Now what? Refection on professional development (Approximately 400 words, including in-text citations).
    6. Conclusion: Sum up the consumer journey/narratives/reflection (approximately 150 words, including in-text citations).
    7. Reference list (not included in the word count).




    • Assignments should adhere to academic writing principals.
    • Students should use either Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman font styles in size 11 or 12. Assignments should be 1.5 or double spaced.
    • Please only write in the first or third person for this assignment. You may prefer to use a combination of both (eg: third person for the introduction, What? and So what? parts and first person in the Now what? and conclusion).
    • Students MUST use de-identified names for when referring to the consumer in your assignment. This is to protect their confidentiality.
    • Feel free to use headings to differentiate each section of your assignment (eg: What?, So What? and Now What?).
    • There is no minimum number of references for this assignment however Borton’s Framework for Reflection should be referenced appropriately.
    • Assignments should be first submitted through the URKUND portal in Canvas. Please review your URKUND result and make appropriate amendments (if required) prior to your final submission in the Assignment 1 portal on Canvas to avoid plagiarism.


    Marking and moderation


    • Marking and moderation processes will be actioned in accordance with university policy.
    • Prior to the start of marking, a sample of 2-3 assignments will be individually marked by all members of the marking team.
    • Final marks and comments will then be discussed amongst the group to standardise the assignment expectations and marking process.
    • All assignments will be marked blind to student names (student IDs only visible).
    • All fail marks plus a cross section of all other marks (pass, credit, distinction and high distinctions) across all classes will be moderated.
    • Where there is a discrepancy between the marks awarded by the first and second marker, the average mark will be awarded.
    • If there is a student grievance around the marking, a third person will mark the assignment.

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