Lifespan development

    Pick one of the topics below.

    1.Hot Topic: An Aging Societya.What are the positive and negative implications of an aging society? Describe developmental, financial, political, and structural changes we should prepare for as more and more people live longer. b.Can our economy support the burden of an aging society? What should be done toimprove housing affordability and public transportation for older Americans? How does the infrastructure of society need to change?
    2.Hot Topic: Elder Mental Healtha.Research and describe the current state of nursing/assisted living homes. How hasCOVID-19 affected the growing issue of isolation and loneliness and the health ofolder adults? What about elder abuse?
    3.Hot Topic: Valuing Age and Worka.What is the value of wisdom? Are all individuals in late adulthood consider wise? Why or why not? How has education changed across generations? How has work changed across generations? What does this have to do with longevity?
    4.Hot Topic: Ageisma.AgeismIs this a systematic problem in our society or more casual? Do you believe ageism in America exists? What do you do as an individual to combat it? What would you do as a policy maker (i.e. mayor, governor, senator, representative, president…)?
    5.Hot Topic: Alzheimers Diseasea.What should be done about the impending Alzheimers disease crisis? Which prospective is correct: cure v. care when treating chronic illness? What would youpropose to help the 40 million family caregivers in the United States? Since long-term care is the biggest unfunded liability facing the baby boom generation, what plan should our president develop to address this issue?
    6.Hot Topic: Euthanasia (Passive v. Active)a.Research Euthanasia (passive v. active). Is this different than Assisted Suicide? What is the current Euthanasia policy in the U.S.? What are the European policieson Euthanasia? What are the pros and cons of these policies? Research Hospice Care/Palliative Care. Is it ever appropriate to end the life of a dying or suffering person? Where should we draw the line? For all of these prompts, students are to answer the questions: What are your beliefs and what evidence do you have to support your beliefs?

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