Insight Brief

    1.Your task is to give me insight into consumers psychology/behavior that has not been presented in class. This does not mean that I want you to draw insights from other places. Instead, I want you to come up with insights of your own. There is a big difference between information and insight. Information is nothing more than facts or data (it is the what). Insight is the understanding of the underlying nature of the information (it is the why).

    2.Consumer behavior insights are just thatinsights into consumer behavior. Most people struggle with this and give me managerial insights. In order to avoid that, think about a way consumers behave (ie. Consumers do this). Afterward, articulate why the consumers do that. I do not want you to reference a specific companythese should be generalizable. If you find yourself referencing a specific company, you are probably doing it wrong.

    3.Please use the Example Insight Brief as a formatting guideline and as reference for what is expected.

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