How does treatment of prisoners in concentration camps cause their psyche to change?

    Points professor emphasized
    -MLA Formatting
    -Transition well into next points
    -Detail oriented
    -When quoting indicate the author and page
    -Quotes need to relate to bigger argument and must be analyzed
    -Must use all sources given..
      -For If This is a Man by Primo Levi touch on what he mentions about moral systems, and stealing..(in camps stealing is illegal but people do it anyway)
      – An idea for The Human Race by Robert Antelme is the story about his dish being stolen by an inmate. Also antelme speaks on those turning their backs on their own to survive (p.169 with the doctor)
    – In The War Memoir by Marguerite Duras is robert antelmes wife. she is awaiting his his return. Once he is back she look at the way she decribes the way he eats (p.60-61) it was animalistic in nature and this is one of the many things that changed about him due to the maltreatment of humans in camps
    – The JSTOR file shouldnt take precedence over the paper. Its only to add in any ideas that I cant convey with the other readings.
    These are just a few ideas I want included in the paper. Of course I am expecting more, but if theres any difficulty let me know and i will email my professor for help
    -My thesis which will be in the introduction is In this essay I will demonstrate through my reading of robert antelme, primo levi and marguerite durass testimonies that concentration camps force prisoners to alter their natural approach to life due to the severe treatments by the camp. Youre free to change wording
    -Key words to focus on: self-preservation, moral code, survival
    ALSO PLEASE MAKE SURE to include background information on antelme, marguerite, and levi. The  background information must be relevant to the thesis.

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