Data visualization and Storytelling with Tableau

    Assignment Summary
    Create a dashboard with at least three visualizations for the data in your final project. This dashboard should present the key information for your intended audience and answer the business question(s) you identified (Come up with business question before create dashboard).

    You will also submit a short 2 pages single space paper with your dashboard.
    Dateset: User_Projects.csv    Instruction: ProjectDescription.pdf
    Variables requirement: use Viewers Website and Images; analyze correlation and correlation matrix for Viewers Website and Images.
    Other material: Correlation from Wed Center for Social Research Methods
    Upload for me: a Paper Document, Dashboard in Tableau Workbook twbx file, Dataset (after clean).

    The dashboard requirement:
        Include as much different visualization as needed. These should be of varying types
        ANSWER the research/business question (Come up with business question before create dashboard) and display the key information that the intended audience needs
        Be easy to navigate and visually appealing
        Reflect the data accurately and generally communicate the data appropriately
        Tells a story

    The paper requirement:
        Explain why you chose the visualization, how does it answer your research/business question and how they are more appropriate than other options you have
        Explain why you chose the data points you incorporated into your visualizations. This should also indicate how well you understand the data.
        Give an overview of the data presented and why it is important to your audience. Focus on how it answers the questions you identified (Come up with business question before create dashboard)

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