Any topic (writer’s choice)

    The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to develop an independent analysis of an issue related to money and banking using concepts and theories learned in class. 
    The term paper for this course is an open-ended assignment that is intended to sharpen your writing, research and critical analysis skills. The project is designed to ensure that you are familiar with the process of collecting financial/economic data from the web and analyzing it using the concepts and theories learned in class. The paper should focus on a topic of your choosing related to material covered in the course.  You should develop a position related to your topic and support that position through online research.  Possible topics include:
        Banking Reform and Regulation
        Monetary policy
        The 2007-2008 Financial Crisis
        Money supply
        Market Consolidation in Banking/Finance
        Quantitative Easing
        Raising/lowering Interest rates
        Technology and Innovation in Banking/Finance
    The paper should begin with a concise summary paragraph that (1) states the problem/issue/topic you have selected and (2) summarizes your position on the topic, anticipating your conclusion.  The remainder of the paper should explain and support your position.

    Please submit your topic for approval in the Term Paper Topics folder in the assignments section of the online classroom.  Your paper should include:
        A narrative of up to 8 pages (not including title page, reference list, or appendices).
        A title page
        A reference list (using APA format) with at least seven sources, and
        At least two graphs and/or tables
        In addition, at the conclusion of your paper please include a brief statement reflecting on what you feel you have learned from the assignment and how that learning may be applied to your life or work going forward.

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